MIM Registration Form MBA (2024-2025) Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Academic Year 2024 - 2025)50% Personal DetailsTitle*Please selectMrMrsSurname*Επίθετο (με μικρά γράμματα)*First Name*Όνομα (με μικρά γράμματα)*ID No.*Mailing AddressEmail*Mobile No.*Including Country CodeNextDeclarationsI hereby undertake to attend the MIM Master in Business Administration (MBA) subject to all its rules and regulations. I agree to pay the program fees of €3.900,00* to the MIM in the prescribed manner, as follows: First installment of €1.300,00 as specified in the acceptance email Second installment of €1.300,00 at the end of the First Term Third installment of €1.300,00 at the end of the Second Term I have read and consent to the Declaration above.*YesBackSendThis field should be left blank